
UNITE and EMPOWER Christian leaders to change our city through the GOSPEL and together IMPACT today’s most pressing URBAN issues.

Movement Day is more than a day! It’s a movement of Christian leaders impacting a city together through the Gospel. God is clearly catalyzing Christian leaders from around the globe to care for their cities by praying, collaborating, evangelizing, and investing resources—together.


Movement Day Hong Kong

March 23 & 24, 2018
EFCC Kong Fok Church
1/F Far East Finance Centre
16 Harcourt Road, Admiralty

Registration closes on March 18


These 24 hours will be consisted of:


including a diverse cadre of local leaders sharing best practices for city transformation


or Breakout Sessions; partnering with leaders and organizations in a specific field to collaborate and tackle certain “stubborn facts” of our city


celebration, worship, performances, artistic expression, renowned speakers to inspire, accelerate and catalyse the gospel movement in our city.

March 23 (Fri)

2 to 5:30pm
Plenary Sessions and Tracks (Breakout Session)
7 to 9:30pm
Evening Event - Worship, Celebration, Keynote Speeches, Performances and Artistic Expression

March 24 (Sat)

9:30am to 1pm
Plenary Sessions and Tracks (Breakout Session)

All programs and speakers may be subject to change without prior notice.
Andrew Gardener


These interactive, live learning sessions are critical to the movement day expression. It will give attendees a unique opportunity to consider ways they can bring hope and leadership to Hong Kong by learning about creative partnership initiatives between denominations, churches, ministries, non-profit or for-profit organizations and the cultural spheres that make up our city.

Each track will consist of two sessions of 1 hour each and a 5 min break in between. The same track will be held on March 23 (Fri) 3:30 to 5:30pm and again on March 24 (Sat) 11:00am to 1:00pm, except otherwise stated.


fast-paced TED style talks providing an opportunity to offer stories of best practices, fostering creative collaboration and curiosity among church and sphere leaders from various backgrounds, giving examples on how to thoughtfully engage with our city and culture.


provide the opportunity to go deeper into or focusing on certain aspect of the issue, inviting more dialogue plus time for networking, relationship building as well as prayers.

You may choose to stay in the same track for both sessions or choose to join Session II of another track in the second hour of the track time. 

Please note no translation during the Tracks
Please click on each topic for more details including track description.

Joshua Chan, Ken Chan, Eric Tong

Gospel movements in cities across the globe need unity, shared vision and a positive public image. Large scale, city-wide, evangelistic proclamation events often serve as the impetus – a rallying point – for leaders from all parts of the body to work together and accelerate the movement.

After much anticipation and preparation, 7 large scale Evangelistic Gatherings have been successfully held during the Hong Kong Gospel Festival 2017. While city leaders unite and serve together, we also learn to identify models, types of partnership and other essential ingredients that can further propel and accelerate the gospel movement.

Session I      For Whom Are You Working

Are you feeling burnt out? Are you frustrated at not being able to see the purpose of your work? Come hear the success stories of God's redemptive plans and the speakers' answers to God's call to serve in the bank, NGO, professional services and arts sector.

  • Maggie Ho: Be still - God puts us at where we work for a purpose
  • Shirley Wong: With God All Things Are Possible
  • Adrian Low: Pursuing the real identity
  • Shirley Surya: Culture Care in Curatorial Practice

Session II      From Rat Race to the Good Race
Steve Gaultney, Chris Thornton

  • Come join the dialogue on how we can invite Jesus to our workplace
  • Ways to integrate our faith in what we do
  • Ways to share our belief with non-believers at our workplace
  • Where to find additional resources and people to collaborate with
  • Take part in the discussion and be part of the change movement!

Stephen Wong, Ricky Yu, Ada Li
Catherine Kwong (Only on March 23)
Lung Kwong Lo (Only on March 24)

Housing is one of the biggest problems in Hong Kong. While the scale of the problem is large and overwhelming, are there lessons that we can draw from experiences of how churches and Christians may participate and be part of the solutions? We would update the recent developments in Hong Kong related to Land and Housing, and share some of the experiences of the panelists. We hope to inspire more actions and collaborations among churches and Christians to rise up and tackle this issue together.

Session I
We would give an overview of the housing problems in Hong Kong and share a few examples of current social housing projects originated from the Christian communities.

Session II
Based on the discussions in Session I, we would like to draw inputs from the audiences to discuss what else can be done to address this problem, as a lot of Christians and churches are well endowed with resources that can be mobilized to create more solutions and pilots.


Session I      The Church and Social Justice
The call for justice in society is greatest amongst the young who feel strongly about injustice and inequality. At the same time the church, which is called to be a ‘city on a hill’ whose light cannot be hidden, has largely neglected its mandate to demonstrate God’s heart of justice, love and concern for the marginalized and oppressed. This session will re-establish the theological foundation and human rights ethic for the church to re-engage with society.

Input 1: The role of the church in society - Tony Read
Input 2: Theology of Justice - Andrew Gardener
Input 3: Human Rights - Patricia Ho on Friday / Dennis Kwok on Saturday
Input 4: The Church in Action - Rev Phyllis Wong

Session II      The Church and Advocacy
An interactive exchange about ways of developing a concern for social justice in the church from a leader’s perspective and from that of a young believer. It will provide an introduction to the role of NGO’s and encourage focus groups around the issues of refugees, anti-trafficking and local community and considering appropriate ways of conducting advocacy.

A ‘how-to’ in getting started with social justice in the church with examples; partnering with ngo’s; and discussion groups

  1. Working with NGO’s - a panel discussion and Q&A chaired by Tom Franz (VCSL). with Christian Action , Mission for Migrant Workers, Sons and Daughters, and Hong Kong Industrial Evangelical Fellowship*
  2. Focus groups - discussion and Q&A in separate groups on the following areas of focus
    • Refugees - Roy Njuabe
    • Sex Workers - Brittney Tsang
    • Human Trafficking - Tina Chan
    • Domestic Workers - Cynthia Tellez
    • Underprivileged - Fanny Lee*
  3. Next Steps - Tony Read
  4. Note: * on Saturday only

21st Century Marketplace Missions Movement
Dilys Chau, Ricky Szeto, Jason Young

The penetration of Christianity in HK as measured by “registered” Christians in the local church system, including those attending Catholic churches, is roughly 7%, while various researches show almost one out of six people identifies themselves as Christians. New or dormant believers birthed/revived through marketplace ministries partly explain for this gap which became strategic opportunities for the “Church” in the marketplace. Marketplace ministries have evolved from the traditional office cell groups to the recent vibrant marketplace Church communities. Networks of networks are arising, from profession or location based fellowships, to spontaneous communities of marketplace Christians gathering together for prayers, evangelism and life discussions to fill the “church” vacuum from Monday to Friday. Would the expressions of these fast growing marketplace Church communities in non-traditional formats and explosive dynamics call for a reengineering of the traditional local church planting model? This track aims to review this latest landscape of the Marketplace Missions Movement and explore possibilities of a collaboration between the local churches and the marketplace churches to develop this wave into a powerful 21st century church growth engine for HK.

Session I
Various speakers will share and analyse the reasons leading to the vigorous growth of marketplace ministries in the past decade. There will be a panel discussion to invite ideas and propositions that will bring about more effective Kingdom penetration in the marketplace.

Session II
We will look at the latest marketplace missions movement and showcase a few testimonies to illustrate how new expressions of churches are happening in the marketplace. We shall also invite participants to join our discussions to develop into workable initiatives for effective marketplace missions movement in the next 12 months.


以教會體系中登記的基督徒和參與聚會的天主教徒比例來衡量,基督教在香港的滲透程度大概為7%,但某些統計卻顯示香港每六個人就有一個自稱為基督徒。導致這個差距的部分原因,是地區教會網絡未能把各類職場事工產生的新信徒或流失的舊信徒融入其體系,但這職場新形勢卻對“教會”帶來極具戰略性的重大機會。職場事工從傳統辦公室信仰小組,發展到今天各類充滿活力的職場教會群體。網絡的網絡正在形成,無論是以禱告,傳福音和信仰討論形式聚集的群體,或以專業或地點為基礎聚集的團契,甚至各類形式的自發性職場信徒群體,都一一冒起,以填補週一至週五的“教會”真空。 這些以非傳統方式卻帶著澎拜動力展示的職場教會群體,會否向傳統的教會植堂模式帶來衝擊?這次討論將會檢視這個職場宣教運動的最新情況,並嘗試探討怎樣讓本地教會和職場教會協作,讓這個浪潮帶動成為21世紀香港“教會”一股强大的增長動力。


將更深入的審視職場宣教運動的最新發展,也會透過幾個見證來顯示正在職場發生的不同教會表達模式。各參加者將被邀請加入討論, 為未來12個月有效的職場宣教運動設定切實可行的建議。

Leora Caylor, Ricky Nyhoff

Session I      Embracing Imagination, Creative Expression and Excellence in the Church
Creative expression can sometimes feel elusive, best left in the hands of artists and on the fringes of church life. But it's not! Creativity is part of our DNA; and we have the unique opportunity to channel creativity into moving stories and messages of hope that inspire the Church and lead the culture around us. The Creative Spark Track is designed to offer insights on how you can cultivate a ministry environment where creativity is championed, innovation - good and "bad" ideas - are welcomed, and thoughtful and purposeful risks are taken.

Session II      Practical Ways to Kickstart Creativity in Your Ministry
Ok. Now it's time to get practical. Join Part II of The Creative Spark Track to dive into practical ways kickstart creativity in your ministry. From forming a creative roundtable and turning creativity into an easy, daily habit, to stoking creative embers when you feel idea-less, to figuring out where to start and what to focus on when your resources are limited or your team is small but mighty. We'll open up the floor for discussion, and have the opportunity to learn from each other during this second hour.

Susanna Wong, Charles Yu, Eddie Chan, Nicole Ip
Move it! We hope love can move around to impact on people outside of our sphere of life. Society is an invisible container holding people’s dreams and hopes. Society is also a place of diversity and division. A society may easily be lost in fighting problems and getting rid of abnormality.

But mental health is about prevention and proactive education. We must not be limited by the walls of counseling rooms, but go out to the places in need of help. Learn to live with problems, accept those who are suffering. Replace restriction by acceptance, use love and care instead of fear and separation. We must embrace a wider and more systemic perspective on treating mental problems to instill hope and possibilities.

Some recent efforts in community outreach and education include Rainbow Cadet Program for school children to teach self-help mental health, women support group working with Mary Kay agents, special seminars on current issues with Gratia College, parenting courses and seminars for churches, schools and communities, and other collaborations with business groups and Secret Garden (NGO to promote counseling without walls). We invite you to join us and let us work together to synergize this city!

馬秀娟、楊主光、楊綺貞、陳淑娟、黃智華、陳之翰 (只在3月23日)

本港最新貧窮人口比率顯示,每五人就有一人活在貧窮線底下。扶貧、脫貧的 工作已經刻不容緩。我們需要匯聚社會資本和人力資本,群策群力,創造社會 能力,提升年青一輩上流機會,開拓前路。今次扶貧工作坊將集合民間各界力 量,分享學術界、教育界、商界、機構和教會團體主導,配搭合作的成功個案和 服侍模式,以新思維實踐信仰,在扶貧網絡中全方位探討和處理貧窮問題。 我們歡迎每一位出席者的意見和參與。讓我們身體力行,以行動回應貧窮問題 ,遏止跨代貧窮情況惡化。藉信、望、愛,推動身邊的弟兄姊妹參與扶貧、滅 貧、防貧工作, 建立一個使命性的門徒社群,逐漸成為社會運動,最終轉化整 個香港!

(注:為推動滅貧運動和建立緊密伙伴關係,每位參加者將可獲贈教關《地區 為本服侍貧窮資源冊》一本。)

Prayer Movement and City Revival
Gary Shek, Gloria Auyeung, Barbara Chan, Fan Chan

Session I
Since the first modern 24/7 prayer altar has appeared in Jerusalem in 1989, different degrees of 24/7 prayer altars have sprung up in all nations. There is no exception in Hong Kong, with several prayer altars operating in the direction of 24/7.

What is the relationship between 24/7 prayer altar and city revival harvest? Why do we have to build prayer altars? Why do we have to pray 24/7 continuously? What are the difficulties in promoting this kind of prayer? How many people do we need before we have enough manpower to promote 24/7prayer?

Apart from the subject of prayer altar, different speakers will share with you different types of prayer movements in Hong Kong, such as the 52-weeks prayer movement, Scripture-based prayers (Lectio divina), the Hong Kong Day of Prayer, and marketplace prayer movement.

Session II
The aim of the existence of several prayer promoting organizations in the city, and a united Hong Kong Prayer Day, is to revive Hong Kong and lead Hong Kong into great harvest. Therefore, in this city different 24/7 prayer altars have appeared, different prayer handbooks were published. There are different but united prayers and networks and have different types of prayers, e.g. prayer walk, high place prayers, fasting prayer, etc.

Participants are welcome to share these prayer movements, contribute your ideas about prayer, and how to motivate people to participate in different prayer movements so that this city can enter into revival and great harvest.

Social Entrepreneurship Transforming Lives and Society
Kee Chi Hing, Eva Wong, Ted Kwan, Rainbow Chow

Social entrepreneurship is gaining increasing acceptance by the public as well as by the media. The current policy on social housing was also triggered by the success of a social enterprise on housing.

In addition to poverty alleviation, the core concept of social entrepreneurship can also be re-packaged so that it can be applied to other sectors or segments for societal betterment. Current applications include being a consumer education on the habit of “Swap for Good”; being a corporate strategy aims at creating shared value on top of CSR; being social innovations in civil-society organizations to improve their cost-effectiveness and sustainability; being a module in Liberal Study in colleges to foster social consciousness in our next generation; and finally being a Sunday school program in churches on a new type of local cross-cultural ministry.


去年六位青年服務大獎的得主中,五位是社會創業者,可見青年要貢獻社會而能夠在幾年內有成績, 甚至被認可的話,社創是最有效的途徑。




胡裕勇、譚銘駒、李顯雋、張樂勤、杜嘉朗 (只在3月23日)
胡裕勇、吳泊廸、李恩諾 (只在3月24日)

單元一      Share2Gather

為此,過去三年我們聯繫了十八區的青年牧者、老師、學生領袖、職場領袖、一起跨代同祈,誇界同行!燃點十八區校園的禱告烽火台,在黑夜匯聚校園的繁星,齊心為主發光!這也是ACTs2Gather的目標「ACTs=Arise!Campus Transformers」,過去,我們一直集結教牧和老師的網絡,組織並推動大學生及中學生,自發地以創意的祝福行動來轉化校園,成功興起眾多校園轉化者,激烈回應主的愛,帶動天國文化在校園!今次,我們特別請到青年牧者、老師、青年領袖同場分享,旨在可以藉過去幾年的經驗成為拋磚引玉的例子,激發更多可能性!

單元二      ACTs2Gather



Movement Day is more than a day! It’s a movement of Christian leaders impacting a city together through the Gospel. God is clearly catalyzing Christian leaders from around the globe to care for their cities by praying, collaborating, evangelizing, and investing resources—together.

Movement Day Hong Kong is inspired and encouraged by the vision to see Movement Day conversations, after its inception in NYC in 2010, in many cities and nations across the globe, 12 in 2017 and many more planned in 2018. We are deeply thankful to Mac Pier and the New York City Leadership Centre who carry this vision and cheer us on. However this is a movement and not an organization so we are responsible for raising our own resources and shaping our own conversations.

There is a unique opportunity and urgency to unite and empower Christian leaders to change cities through Gospel Movement** and impact today’s urban issues of, but not limited to, Poverty, Housing, Youth and Justice. 

**Gospel Movement
When a city’s Christian population is growing faster than the general population. Where a critical mass of believers gather, Christianity begins to have a disproportionate effect on the population’s values and beliefs. The gospel begins to spread organically and spontaneously, without external control.

The Gospel Movement Includes:
Local Churches Integrating to Reach New Individuals
Leaders Transforming the Lives of the Marginalized
Leaders Exercising their Faith & Influence Across Society
City-Wide Networks that Develop & Connect Leaders 


Convene leaders from diverse backgrounds to assess the most pressing issues of our city


Collaborte to shape solutions with the support of compelling research


Catalyse and inspire leaders to action with prayers, networking and relationship building

ADVISORS (by Alphabetical Order of Surname)
Philemon CHOI
Simon KWAN
Josephine LEE
Ping Kwong LI
David WONG
Yvonne YEUNG

STEERING COMMITTEE (by Alphabetical Order of Surname)
Natalie CHAN
Yim Kwong CHAN
Sarah CHEN
Chi Hing KEE
Peter Sing Shun LAM
Ruth LAM
Wai Ki LO
Susanna MA
Stephen WONG
Veon YAU

Ray Bakke Centre for Urban Transformation

EFCC Kong Fok Church

To be available soon


Get in touch with us with inquiries and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Ray Bakke Centre for Urban Transformation
45-47 Grampian Road


Email: [email protected]
Phone: +852 2148-5577


© Copyright 2018 Ray Bakke Centre for Urban Transformation. All Rights Reserved.